Rolls Royce Spectre HMI
HMI Design
Rolls Royce Spectre Digital Interface Details
The Spectre features bespoke digital instrumental dials with a secondary touch screen interface. There aren’t any specifics but rumour has it the Spectre will offer more than 10 driver assistance features.
The Spectre’s infotainment system has had a complete overhaul, with the new software named SPIRIT which monitor the car's functions and also connects with the driver-only app called ‘Whispers’ allowing for new remote functions. Whispers comes with several features including remote control of the vehicle and access to live information. With over 141,200 sender-receiver functions, this is the most intelligent Rolls-Royce yet. This means that it can easily receive, process, and exchange data. Additionally, the Spectre comes with its own digital assistant called Eleanor that can help drivers to set a preferred temperature, provide details of the nearest charging station, and more.
HMI Gallery

Image source: press.rolls-roycemotorcars.com
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HMI Gallery is a collection of case studies showcasing the features, functionality, fonts and iconography of digital interface design in high performance vehicles.
Curated by Ben Morris
Digital Creative